Daniel Vincent Krogstad
- Ph.D., Materials, University of California at Santa Barbara, 2012
- B.S., Materials Science and Engineering, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2006
Academic Positions
- Principal Research Scientist, Applied Research Institute, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2024-present
- Research Assistant Professor, Materials Science and Engineering, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2017-present
- Senior Research Scientist, Applied Research Institute, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2019-2024
- Research Scientist, Applied Research Institute, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, 2014-2019
- Postdoctoral Associate, National Institute of Standards and Technology, 2013-2014
Professional Highlights
- Daniel Krogstad earned his B.S. in Materials Science and Engineering from the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign in 2006 and his Ph.D. in Materials at the University of California at Santa Barbara in 2012. His doctoral work focused on understanding how noncovalent interactions can be used to design new self-assembled materials. The bulk of his thesis focused on the investigation of the structure-property relationships of complex coacervate crosslinked hydrogels for use as injectable drug delivery hydrogels. In 2013, he received a National Research Council Research Associateship to do his postdoctoral research at the National Institute of Standards and Technology in the Biomaterials group. At NIST, he studied how polyelectrolytes can be used as noncollagenous protein mimics in controlling calcium phosphate nanoparticle formation in early bone growth. In 2014, he joined the Applied Research Institute at the University of Illinois and in 2017 he also received an appointment as a Research Assistant Professor in Materials Science and Engineering. His research focuses on the processing-structure-property relationships of soft material systems including block copolymers, biomaterials and coatings.
Research Statement
Our research can be broadly categorized as use-inspired fundamental research on a wide variety of soft material systems. Our group looks to extend our understanding from the structure-property relationships of soft material components (such as polymers, biopolymers and organic small molecules) to include the effects of processing on the performance of soft materials systems. The three main thrusts of our research include: scalable self-assembly, biomaterials and polymeric coatings. Briefly, in the scalable self-assembly thrust, we are interested in understanding how we can use processing to develop self-assembled nanostructures at scales that are industrially relevant. In the biomaterials thrust, our projects have focused on the development of novel biomaterials as well as on the manufacturing and packaging of biomaterials. Lastly, in the polymeric coatings thrust, our research combines state-of-the-art nanoscale characterization with industrially relevant processing and testing methods in order to understand the mechanisms of coating production, performance and degradation.
Research Areas
- Materials
Research Topics
- Defense and Security
- Health
- Manufacturing
Selected Articles in Journals
- D. Ellis, M. Eslami, D.V. Krogstad, M. Sankaran. “Zirconia-based coatings on mild steel fabricated by atmospheric-pressure plasma processing for corrosion protectionâ€, Thin Solid Films, 814, 140630 (2025).
- N.A. Nguyen, D.Y. Liu, D.V. Krogstad. “Impact of water and oleic acid on glycerol monooleate phase transition and bi-continuous structure formation in white oil.” Soft Matter, 20, 2024, 7237-7245.
- D.Y. Liu, S. Shrivastav, S. Daraydel, N. Levandovsk, H. An, S. Shevade, Q. Chen, J.A. Krogstad, D.V. Krogstad. “Biofeedstock-induced metal corrosion: Reactions between carbon steel and triacylglycerol-based solutions at elevated temperature.” Corrosion Science, 216, 2022, 111088.
- D. Patel, L. Bonova, Z. Jeckell. D.E. Barlaz, S. Chaudhuri, D.V. Krogstad, D.N. Ruzic. "Deposition of zirconium oxide using atmospheric pressure plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition with various precursors." Thin Solid Films, 733, 138815 (2021).
- D.Y. Liu, D.V. Krogstad. "Self-Assembly and Phase Transformation of Block Copolymer Nanostructures in Ionic Liquid-Cured Epoxy." Macromolecules, 54, 988-994 (2021).
- R.P. Ekbote, G.J. Donley, D.Y.Liu, S.A. Rogers, D.V. Krogstad. "Re-entrant solid behavior of 3D-printable epoxy inks." Rheologica Acta, 59, 631-638 (2020).
- L. Bonova, W. Zhu, D.K. Patel, D.V. Krogstad, D.N. Ruzic. "Atmospheric pressure microwave plasma for aluminum surface cleaning." Journal of Vacuum Science& Technology A: Vacuum, Surfaces and Films, 38, 023002 (2020).
- D.V. Krogstad, D. Wang, S. Lin-Gibson. "Polyaspartic acid concentration controls the rate of calcium phosphate nanorod formation in high concentration systems." Biomacromolecules, 18, 3106-3113 (2017).
- D.V. Krogstad, D. Wang, S. Lin-Gibson. "The kinetics of aggregation and crystallization of polyaspartic acid stabilized calcium phosphate particles at high concentrations." Biomacromolecules, 16, 1550-1555 (2015).
- D.J. Audus, J.D. Gopez, D.V. Krogstad, N.A. Lynd, E.J. Kramer, C.J. Hawker, G.H. Fredrickson. "Phase Behavior of Electrostatically Complexed Polyelectrolyte Gels Using an Embedded Fluctuation Model." Soft Matter, 11, 1214-1225 (2015).
- D.V. Krogstad, N.A. Lynd, D. Miyajima, J. Gopez, C.J. Hawker, E.J. Kramer, M.V. Tirrell. "Structural evolution of polyelectrolyte complex core micelles and ordered-phase bulk materials." Macromolecules, 47, 8026-8032 (2014).
- D.V. Krogstad, S.H. Choi, N.A. Lynd, D.J. Audus, S.L. Perry, J.D. Gopez, C.J. Hawker, E.J. Kramer, M.V. Tirrell. "Small angle neutron scattering study of complex coacervate micelles and hydrogels formed from ionic diblock and triblock copolymers." Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 118, 13011-13018 (2014).
- J.H. Ortony, S.H. Choi, J.M. Spruell, J.N. Hunt, N.A. Lynd, D.V. Krogstad, V.S. Urban, C.J. Hawker, E.J. Kramer, S. Han. "Fluidity and water in nanoscale domains define coacervate hydrogels." Chemical Science, 5, 58-67 (2014).
- S.G. Jang, D.J. Audus, D. Klinger, D.V. Krogstad, B.J. Kim, A. Cameron, S.W. Kim, K.T. Delaney, S.M. Hur, K.L. Killops, G.H. Fredrickson, E.J. Kramer, C.J. Hawker. "Striped, ellipsoidal particles by controlled assembly of diblock copolymers." Journal of the American Chemical Society, 135, 6649-6657 (2013).
- D.V. Krogstad, N.A. Lynd, S.H. Choi, J.M. Spruell, C.J. Hawker, E.J. Kramer, M.V. Tirrell. "Effects of polymer and salt concentration on the structure and properties of triblock copolymer coacervate hydrogels." Macromolecules, 46, 1512-1518 (2013).
- D.G. DeMartini, D.V. Krogstad, D.E. Morse. "Membrane invaginations facilitate reversible water flux driving tunable iridescence in a dynamic biophotonic system." Proceeding of the National Academy of Sciences, 110, 2552-2556 (2013).
- P. Lundberg, N.A. Lynd, Y.N. Zhang, X.H. Zeng, D.V. Krogstad, T. Paffen, M. Malkoch, A.M. Nystrom, C.J. Hawker. "pH-triggered self-assembly of biocompatible histamine-functionalized triblock copolymers." Soft Matter, 9, 82-89 (2013).
- B.F. Lin, D. Missirlis, D.V. Krogstad, M. Tirrell. "Structural effects and lipid membrane interactions of the pH-responsive GALA peptide with fatty acid acylation." Biochemistry, 51, 4658-4668 (2012).
- B.F. Lin, K.A. Megley, N. Viswanathan, D.V. Krogstad, L.B. Drews, M.J. Kade, Y.C. Qian, M.V. Tirrell. "pH-responsive branched peptide amphiphile hydrogel designed for applications in regenerative medicine with potential as injectable tissue scaffolds." Journal of Materials Chemistry, 22, 19447-19454 (2012).
- B.F. Lin, R.S. Marullo, M.J. Robb, D.V. Krogstad, P. Antoni, C.J. Hawker, L.M. Campos, M.V. Tirrell. "De novo design of bioactive protein-resembling nanospheres via dendrimer-templated peptide amphiphile assembly." Nano Letters, 11, 3946-3950 (2011)
- B.H. Lipshutz, S. Ghorai, W.W.Y. Leong, B.R. Taft, D.V. Krogstad. "Manipulating Micellar Environments for Enhancing Transition Metal-Catalyzed Cross-Couplings in water at room temperature." Journal of Organic Chemistry, 76, 5061-5073 (2011)
- D. Missirlis, A. Chworos, C.J. Fu, H.A. Khant, D.V. Krogstad, M. Tirrell. "Effect of the peptide secondary structure on the peptide amphiphile supramolecular structure and interactions." Langmuir, 27, 6163-6170 (2011).
- D. Missirlis, D.V. Krogstad, M. Tirrell. "Internalization of p53(14-29) peptide amphiphiles and subsequent endosomal disruption results in SJSA-1 cell death." Molecular Pharmaceutics, 7, 2173-2184 (2010).
- D.S. Hwang, H.B. Seng, A. Srivastava, D.V. Krogstad, M. Tirrell, J.N. Israelachvili, J.H. Waite. "Viscosity and interfacial properties in a mussel-inspired adhesive coacervate." Soft Matter, 6, 3232-3236 (2010).