Eliezer Colina Morles
For More Information
- Philosophy Doctor, University of Sheffield, United Kingdom, 1994.
- Master of Science, Systems Engineering, Case Western Reserve University, USA, 1984.
- Systems Engineer, University of Los Andes, Venezuela, 1978.
Eliezer Colina Morles is a staff member at the Applied Research Institute, where he holds a Senior Research Engineer position. He was a Research Engineer at the University of Cuenca, Ecuador; Control Systems Lecturer at the Faculty of Engineering, University of Pamplona, Colombia; and Control Systems Professor at the Department of Automatic Control, University of Los Andes, Venezuela. He was a co-founder of the Master of Science program in Control Engineering, University of Los Andes, and also the Director of the Postgraduate Division Studies of the Faculty of Engineering for eight years. He has participated in research and development projects linked to the oil and cement industries. He is a Senior Member of IEEE and has received several awards and recognitions over the years, including the University of Los Andes Bicentennial Award for his work in linking university-industry projects, the Faculty of Engineering Award for excellence in undergraduate teaching, and the 2016 ETCM-IEEE- best paper award, among others. His current research interests include intelligent control systems, systems modeling, systems identification, and artificial intelligence/machine learning algorithms.
Academic Positions
- Research Engineer, University of Cuenca, Ecuador, Business Processes, 2018-2019.
- Researcher II, SENESCYT, Ecuador, Intelligent Control, 2013-2016.
- Lecturer, University of Pamplona, Colombia, Control Systems, 2004-2012.
- Professor, University of Los Andes, Venezuela, Control Systems, 1994-2004.
Professional Registrations
- IEEE, New York, 1987-2020.
Research Interests
- His current research interests include intelligent control systems, systems modeling and identification, artificial intelligence/machine learning applications.
Research Areas
- Algorithm and Software Development
- Contextual Innovation and Process
- Materials
Chapters in Books
- E. Colina, "Generalidades sobre Redes Neuronales", Universidad de Los Andes, Venezuela, 1995.
- E. Colina, F. Rivas, "Introduccion a la inteligencia artificial", Cuadernos de Control, Posgrado de Ingenieria de Control, Universidad de Los Andes, Venezuela
Selected Articles in Journals
- H. Sira Ramirez, E. Colina Morles, "A Sliding Mode Strategy for Adaptive Learning in Adalines", IFAC Proceedings 29(1), pp 5221-5226, 1996.
- J. Aguilar, M. Cerrada, E. Colina, A. Titli, "Dynamical adaptive fuzzy systems: An application on system identification", IFAC Proceedings, vol.35(1), pp 403-408, 2002.
- M. Ramirez, E. Colina, "A genetic algorithm based approach for generating fuzzy singleton models", WSEAS Advances in Computational Intelligence, Man-Machine Systems and Cybernetics, pp 177-182, 2010.
- E. Colina Morles, F. Rivas Echeveria, "Dynamic neuron-VSC-based adaptive control of uncertain nonlinear systems", IFAC Proceedings Volumes 32(2), pp 5480-5484, 1999.
- E. Altamiranda, E. Colina, "A recurrent fuzzy neuron for on-line modeling of nonlinear systems" IFAC Proceedings Volumes, 35(1), pp 325-330, 2002.
- F. Rivas Echeverria, E. Colina Morles, "Dynamic systems control and identification using VSC-based learning algorithms for perceptron networks", Revista Tecnica de la Facultad de Ingenieria Universidad del Zulia, 23(1), pp 23-34, 2000.
- J. Montilva, E. Chacon, E. Colina, "CIT Informacion Tecnologica, 12(6), pp 147-156, 2001.
- M. Cerrada, J. Aguilar, E. Colina, A. Titli, "Time-varying non-linear system identification using dynamical adaptive fuzzy systems", Revista Técnica Facultad de IngenierÃa Universidad del Zulia, 25(3), pp 171-180, 2002.
- H. Castaneda MariÂn, E. Colina Morles, W. Rodriguez Graterol, "Similaridad para sistemas dinamicos con base en criterios caracterIÂsticos de sus trayectorias", Revista Avances en Sistemas e Informatica, 3(2), pp 1-6, 2006
- I. Besembel, F. Narciso, F. Rivas, E. Colina, U. Estecche, D. Silva, H. Lopez, G. Mousalli, C. Rivas, "Modelo de datos del sistema de registros medicos: SIREM", Ciencia e Ingenieria, 27(2), pp 59-67, 2006.
- H. Castaneda, W. RodriÂguez, E. Colina, "Clasificacion de trayectorias en dinamica molecular usando relaciones de equivalencia difusa y analisis de componentes principales", Revistas Avances en Sistemas e Informatica, 4(1), pp 73-80, 2007.
- H. Castaneda MariÂn, W. Rodriguez, E. Colina Morles, "Identification of Dynamic complex trajectories using Gershgorin's theorem and principal component analysis", Avances en Sistemas e Informatica, 5(2), pp 173-178, 2008.
- N. Fernandez, C. Ortega, E. Colina Morles, H. Castaneda Marin, W. Rodriguez Graterol, E. Colina Morles, "Identificacion de sistemas dinamicos lineales mediante descomposicion ponderada de las variables de estado y el metodo de la pseudoinversa de Moore-Penrose", Avances en Sistemas e Informatica, vol. 6(2), pp 77-84, 2009.
- J. Mendoza, E. Colina, E. Chacón, W. RodrÃÂguez, "Propuesta de un control supervisor para regular la tension de salida de un convertidor Boost utilizando la entropia aproximada como detector de eventos", European Scientific Journal, 10 (3), pp 544-557, 2014.
- L. González-Morales, E. Colina-Morles, P. Vanegas-Peralta, R. Sempertegui-Alvarez, "Electrical energy conversion system design with single-phase inverter and H5 transformerless topology", Revista Facultad de IngenierÃÂa Universidad de Antioquia, 73, pp 79-89, 2014.
- R. Arcentales-Carrion, E. Colina-Morles, D. Sucozhanay, R. Duran, L. Siguenza-Guzman, "Process mapping and modeling: A theoretical tool analysis", Test Engineering and Management, 83, pp 25914-25925, 2020.
- E. Altamiranda, E. Colina, "Intelligent subsea control", Computing and Control Engineering, 18(4), pp 40-44, 2007.
- M. RamÃÂrez, E. Colina, "Sistema supervisor inteligente para procesos de produccion de petroleo", Maskana, 5, pp 71-82, 2014.
- J. Llibre, M. Spinetti-Rivera, E. Colina-Morles,"Dynamic systems behaviour analysis and design based on the qualitative theory of differential equations: The Boost power converter case", International Journal of Control, 88(6), pp 1103-1111, 2015.
- E. Altamiranda, E. Colina, "Condition monitoring of subsea sensors. A systems of systems engineering approach", WSEAS Transactions of Environment and Development, 14, pp 495-501, 2018.
- E. Altamiranda, E. Colina, "Control predictivo generalizado para sistemas no lineales utilizando una neurona difusa recurrente", Revista Colombiana de TecnologiÂas de Avanzada", 3, pp 3-9, 2004.
- E. Chacón, E. Altamiranda, E. Colina, "A holonic architecture for continuous processes supervision and coordination", WSEA Transactions on Systems, 4(7), pp 941-944, 2005,
- N. Fernández, L. Carbajal, E. Colina, "Sistema difuso tipo Mandani para la determinacion generica de la calidad del agua", Bistua: Revista de la Facultad de Ciencias Basicas, 8(1), 2010.
- J. Mendoza, E. Colina, E. Chacón, "La entropia aproximada como una nueva metodologia para la deteccion de eventos dentro de un sistema dinamico hiÂbrido", Ciencia e Ingenieria, 32(2), pp 31-41, 2011.
- P. Rodas, R. Guaman, E. Colina, M. Peña, L. Siguenza, "Modelo matematico basado en programacion lineal y logica difusa para prediccion de tiempos en industrias de ensamblaje de bicicletas", Revista Ibérica de Sistemas y TecnologÃÂas de Información, 1(19), 2019.
- E. Vera, E. Farfan, E. Colina-Morles, L. Siguenza-Guzman, "Levantamiento de procesos como base para la aplicacion de sistemas de costeo basado en actividades en empresas de ensamblaje", Revista EconomÃÂa y PolÃÂtica, 30, pp 40-47, 2019.
- H. Sira-Ramirez, E. Colina-Morles, "Adaptive learning in perceptrons: a sliding mode control approach", Pure Mathematics and Applications, 4(1), pp 99-133, 1993.
- M. Cerrada, J. Aguilar, E. Colina, A. Titli, "Identificacion de un sistema no lineal variante en el tiempo usando sistemas difusos adaptativos dinamicos", Revista Tecnica de la Facultad de Ingenieria, Universidad del Zulia, vol. 25(3), pp 171-180, 2002.
- C. Ortega, E. Colina, E. Chacón, "Intelligent supervisory control design framework for fault exposed processes", WSEAS International Journal of Circuits, Systems and Signal Processing, vol. 1, pp 149-158, 2007.
- J. Montilva, E. Chacón, E. Colina, "Un metodo para la automatizacion integral de empresas de produccion continua", Revista Informacion Tecnologica, 12(6), pp 147-156, 2001.
- E. Altamiranda, E. Colina, E. Chacón, "Intelligent supervisory systems for industrial process control", WSEAS Transactions on Systems 4(7), pp 945-949, 2005.
- E. Altamiranda, H. Torres, E. Colina, E. Chacón, "Supervisory control design based on hybrid systems and fuzzy events detection. Application to an oxychlorination reactor", ISA Transactions, 41(4), pp 485-499, 2002.
- H. Sira-Ramirez, E. Colina-Morles, F. Rivas-EcheverÃÂa, "Sliding mode-based adaptive learning in dynamical-filter weights neurons", International Journal of Control, 73(8), pp 678-685, 2000.
- E. Colina-Morles, N. Mort, "Neural network-based adaptive control design", Journal of Systems Engineering, 3(1), pp 9-14, 1993.
- K. Sosa, J. Llibre, M. Spinetti-Rivera, E. Colina-Morles, "Analisis cualitativo del comportamiento del convertidor de potencia Buck-Boost por realimentacion del vector de estado a traves de tres diferentes técnicas", Revista Politécnica, 42(1), pp 7-16, 2018.
- E. Chacón, I.Besembel, F. Narciso, J. Montilva, E. Colina, "An integration architecture for the automation of a continuous production complex", ISA Transactions, 41(1), pp 95-113, 2002.
- M. Cerrada, J. Aguilar, E. Colina, A. Titli, "Dynamical membership functions: an approach for adaptive fuzzy modelling", Fuzzy Sets and Systems, vol. 152, issue 3, pp 513-533, June 2005.
- Rocco Tarantino, Ferenc Szigeti, Eliezer Colina Morles, "Generalized Luenberger observer-based fault-detection filter design: an industrial application", in Control Engineering Practice, vol. 8, issue 6, pp 665-671, June 2000.
- H. Sira-Ramirez and E. Colina-Morles, "A sliding mode strategy for adaptive learning in Adalines," in IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I: Fundamental Theory and Applications, vol. 42, no. 12, pp. 1001-1012, Dec. 1995, doi: 10.1109/81.481195.
Articles in Conference Proceedings
- E. Colina Morles, "On-line neural network control applications, IEEE International Conference on Neural Networks, ICNN, 4, pp 2494-2499, 1994.
- F. Rivas Echeveria, E. Colina Morles, S. Sole, A. Perez Mendez, C. Bravo Bravo, V. Bravo Bravo, "Neuromaster: an integrated tool for applications in neural networks", SPIE Proceedings 4390, pp 117-124, 2001.
- R. Tarantino, K. Cabezas, F. Rivas Echeverria, E. Colina Morles, "Fault diagnosis hybrid system using a Luenberger-based detection filter and neural networks", SPIE Proceedings 4390, pp 105-116, 2001.
- A. Perez Mendez, F. Rivas Echeveria, E. Colina Morles, L Nava Puente, M.Olivares Labrador, "Methodology for implementing virtual sensors using neural networks, SPIE Proceeding 4390, pp 134-141, 2001.
- F. Rivas Echeveria, E. Colina Morles, I. Mazzei Rivas, "Identification and control of nonlinear systems using neural networks with variable-structure-control-based learning algorithms", SPIE Proceedings 4390, pp 252-262, 2001.
- H. Castaneda, E. Colina, W. Rodriguez, C. Parra, "Underlying system using dynamic clustering and structural similarity", IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems, pp 1-8, 2010.
- V. Morocho, E. Colina Morles, S. Bautista, A. Mora, M. Falconi, "Analysis of thermographic patterns using Open CV case study: A clinker kiln", IEEE 12th International Conference on Informatics in Control, Automation and Robotics, ICINCO, 2, pp 479-484, 2015.
- M. Ramirez, E. Colina, M. Cerrada, "Invertible singleton fuzzy models: application to petroleum production control systems", IEEE 12th International Conference on Fuzzy Systems and Knowledge Discovery, FSKD, pp 547-552, 2015.
- J. Mendoza, E. Colina, L Araque, E. Chacon, "Entropy as an event detector in a class of hybrid dynamic systems. Study case: A steam boiler", IEEE Ecuador Technical Chapter Meeting, 2016.
- E. Colina Morles, J. Medina, M. Falconi, V. Morocho, "Phenomenological modeling and computer simulation of a clinker kiln", IEEE Ecuador Technical Chapter Meeting, pp 1-6, 2016.
- J. Montilva, E. Chacon, E. Colina, "Un metodo de automatizacion integral para sistemas de produccion continua", IV Jornadas Panamericanas de Automatizacion, 2000.
- M. Ramirez, E. Colina, "Fuzzy clustering-based models for supervision of industrial processes", 6th International Conference on Mathematics and Computational Intelligence, Man-Machine Systems & Cybernetics, pp 272-281, 2007.
- E. Sigcha, E. Colina Morles, V. Morocho, L. Siguenza Guzman, "A software platform for processes-based cost analysis in the assembly industry", International Conference on Information Technology & Systems, pp 230-241, 2019.
- E. Altamiranda, E. Colina, "A system of systems digital twin to support life time management and life extension of subsea production systems", IEEE OCEANS, pp 1-9, 2019.
- F. Rivas Echeverria, E. Colina Morles, "Variable structure control based on-line learning design for continuous time multilayer networks", IEEE International Symposium on Intelligent Control, pp 548-552, 1996,
- M. Cerrada, J. Aguilar, E. Colina, A. Titli, "An approach for dynamical adaptive fuzzy modeling", IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence, pp 156-161, 2002.
- R. Garcia Méndez, E. Camargo Contreras, F. Rivas EcheverriÂa, E. Colina Morles, M, Luzardo Briceno, "Water cut virtual sensor design using a neo-fuzzy neuron and statistical techniques in oil production", 10th WSEAS International Conference on Systems, pp 453-458, 2006.
- H. Sira Ramirez, E. Colina Morles, F. Rivas EcheverriÂa, "Sliding mode-based adaptive learning in dynamical Adaline", 36th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, 2, pp 937-942, 1997.
- E. Colina, M. Falconi, V.Morocho, J. Medina, A.Mora, "Design of a supervisory control system for a clinker kiln operation", IEEE Asia-Pacific Conference on Computer Aided Systems Engineering, pp 387-391, 2015.
- J. Mendoza, L. Araque Lameda, E. Colina Morles, "Understanding chaos through a Jerk circuit", IEEE Technologies Applied to Electronics Teaching, TAEE, pp 1-5, 2016.
- M. Cerrada, J. Aguilar, A. Titli, E. Colina, "Dynamical adaptive fuzzy systems: An application on system identification", 15th Triennial World Congress IFAC, pp 1006-1011, 2002.
- E. Altamiranda, E. Colina, "A system of systems engineering approach for intelligent control and supervision of subsea production systems, MTS/IEEE OCEANS, pp 1-7, 2013.
- E. Altamiranda, R. Calderon, E. Colina, "An evolutionary algorithm for linear system identification", 6th WSEAS International Conference on Signal Processing, Robotics and Automation, pp 225-229, 2007.
- F. Rivas, E. Colina, C. Rivas, "Expert systems methodology for management", IASTED International Conference on Software Engineering, 1997.
- D. Baquero, C. Ochoa, D. Chávez, O. Camacho, E. Colina, "Adaptive sliding mode control based on fuzzy logic for variable dead time processes", 4th International Conference on Control, Decision and Information Technologies (CoDIT), pp 0114-0119, 2017.
- E. Altamiranda, E. Colina, "Intelligent supervision and integrated fault detection and diagnosis for subsea control systems", OCEANS 2007, pp 1-6, 2007.
- E. Colina Morles, N. Mort, "Inverse model neural network-based control of dynamic systems", 1994 International Conference on Control, Control'94, 2, pp 955-960, 1994.
- Bicentennial Distinction (10/15/1994)
Teaching Honors
- Meritorious Professor Level I (12/18/2003)
Research Honors
- Researcher Stimulus Program (12/01/2003)
Other Honors
- Recognition for 25 Years of Service (10/15/2003)