Fitsum Abebe

Fitsum Abebe
Fitsum Abebe
Staff Research Scientist
(217) 332-5701
Suite 204 Applied Research Institute


  • PhD in Educational Studies: Instructional Technology, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, 2021
  • MA., Teaching, Learning & Teacher Education: focused in Instructional Design and Technology, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, 2016
  • MSc., Telematics (Information Communication Technology -ICT) Application in Education and Training, University of Twente, The Netherlands, 2002


A researcher committed to addressing real-world educational and technological challenges through effective design and re-design of program and curricula fostering innovation to support evidence-based practice through iterative measurement and evaluation processes. My primary focus is on enhancing learning experiences that address both individual and group needs. In my research, I employ instructional strategies and learning theories such as behaviorist, constructivism and cognitive theories, Problem-Based Learning (PBL), Team-Based Learning (TBL), and the Community of Inquiry (CoI) framework. I am passionate about collaborating with faculty, content specialists, and software engineers on research related to integration of emerging technologies such as VR/AR/MR and AI purposefully, aligning them with the content, context, and appropriate andragogical or pedagogical approaches to maximize learning experiences. I am committed in grant writing and conducting research on needs assessment, design, and evaluation including inclusive and accessible technology use and ethics.

Academic Positions

  • Research Scientist, Applied Research Institute, The Grainger College of Engineering (August 2024 - Present)
  • Online Instructional Designer, Applied Research Institute, The Grainger College of Engineering (March 2021 - August 2024)
  • Assistant Director of Online Education Services (August 2020 - March 2021); Instructional Designer and Technology Specialist (IDTS), Doane University, Nebraska, Lincoln, NE (December 2018 - August 2020 )
  • Graduate Assistant for Canvas/Blackboard admin and support, Information Technology Systems, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Lincoln, NE (August 2015 – December 2018)
  • Lecturer, Information Communication Technology (ICT) in Education, Addis Ababa University, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia (January 2004 – June 2011)
  • Lecturer, computer science, MicroLink Information Communication College, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia (September 2002 - December 2003)

Research Interests

  • Ongoing Analysis, Design, Development, and Evaluation of Technology Integration in Education and Training
  • Integrating Technology and Training for Higher Education Faculty, K-12 Educators, and Preservice Teachers
  • Conducting User Experience Research Using Quantitative, Qualitative, and Mixed Methods
  • Applying Learning Theories, Cognitive Psychology, and Brain Science to the Design and Implementation of Learning Experiences
  • Utilizing Artificial Intelligence in Education

Research Areas

  • Algorithm and Software Development
  • Contextual Innovation and Process

Chapters in Books

  • Abebe, F. and Martonia G. (2024). Examining Dimensions of Preservice Teachers Elementary Math TPACK. In Press. TPACK Handbook

Selected Articles in Journals

Articles in Conference Proceedings